- Share this info with all in your group at the evening event.
- Ticket is required for entrance upon arrival.
- Please arrive as a complete group if possible from 6pm to 7:30 pm. (Expo Grounds west entrance and parking.)
- Dress code “Casual” – proper shoes – not high heels and maybe some warmer clothes if necessary.
- Transferbuses from Järvsö are available but you need to contact Destination Järvsö at +46(0)651-40306 well in advance for timetables, pick up locations, price and purchase of tickets.
- Limited taxi – needs to be booked well in advance. Call Norrhälsinge Order Central at +46(0)650-35806 or Härjedalingen (minbuses for groups) at +46(0)651-100 00.
Evening event - the big industry party is finally back!
As a conclusion to the first day of the expo, Mittias restaurantpartner Bowlingbistron and Peter Brolin Gastronomy, will set the tables in the restaurant tent to offer an evening event with good food and to speak with colleagues during relaxed conditions.
One of Sweden’s favorite entertainers; Yellow Mike - will make sure we have fun during the three-course dinner.
Limited seats available – exhibitors and co-exhibitors have priority to book for groups with customers and staff up to June 15! (Book through the Client Zone.)